From analyzing study results, AnswerLab researchers reported the following conclusions: · Women are more careful consumers in online dating than their male counterparts.
- Women spend more time evaluating a potential partner's profile information.
- Women spent an average of 84 seconds evaluating a profile to assess if it was a match, while men spent an average of 58 seconds.
· Men tend to focus on the profile photo.
- Not only do they spend less time than women evaluating profiles, men spend more of their time assessing a potential partner's picture.
- In some instances, men spent as much as 65 percent more of their time than women looking at the profile photos.
· The layout of the profile page affects viewer consumption and overall impressions of the page.
- A profile that showcased personality at the top of the page was perceived as more personal.
- A profile that prominently displayed a list of traits was perceived as more businesslike.
Photo Attractiveness by Camera Make & Class
Least attractive - camera phones - by far most attractive dSLR (Canon is second most popular which is what I have)
The flash adds 7 years - good thing I'm a natural light photographer
A 2011 study in emotion also showed that men liked smiling images of women that conveyed happiness, while women opted for the unsmiling male images that portrayed pride. Researchers believe that this might have to do with the fact that pride is associated with masculinity, while happiness corresponds to femininity.
According to Zoosk, men whose photos show them in the rugged outdoors receive 19 percent more messages. Women, on the other hand, should stay indoors: Outdoor shots lead to 40 percent fewer messages.
Four or more is the luckiest number According to 2013 stats compiled by eHarmony
They also discovered that landscape and 3x4 portrait photos were the most appealing to users. Cropping someone out was not only obvious, but a turn-off. Extreme closeups bad
The most important thing is to put at least one picture in your profile. EHarmony claims that individuals who have photos are nine times more likely to get nice messages in their inbox than those who prefer to avoid photographic proof they exist.
full face closeup, full body, waist up, your passion, your favorite place
no costumes, no bathroom mirrors, no computer photos
Online Dating Photos for Women Part I
Eye contact - flirting with the camera best followed by smiling
Least popular photos - posing with animal, drinking alcohol, doing something interesting
Most popular photos - MySpace, in bed, outdoors
"In terms of getting new messages, the MySpace shot is the single most effective photo type for women."
Photos in which you're doing something interesting, with an animal, or travel photos are more likely to lead to a conversation
"The more men who say you're hot, the more messages you get."
"Men who think you're cute actually subtract from your message count."
"Take whatever you think some guys don't like—and play it up. As you've probably already noticed, women with tattoos and piercings seem to have an intuitive grasp of this principle. They show off what makes them different, and who cares if some people don't like it. And they get lots of attention from men."
Online Dating Photos for Men Part II
"Men’s photos are most effective when they look away from the camera and don’t smile"
"It’s interesting that while making flirty eye contact is relatively okay for men, flirting away from the camera is the worst thing they, too, can do."
Most popular photos - with an animal, showing off muscles, doing something interesting
Zoosk - not a selfie, full body (203% more messages)
having more than one person, posing with animals - fewer messages
Least popular photos - travel photo, drinking, outdoors
No shirt (if you're in good shape), all dressed up get fewer messages

Photo Credit: <a href="">j0sh (</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>
The Mathematics of Beauty 2011 OkCupid