You've seen the announcement for the headshot mini-marathon session, but perhaps you're still on the fence about whether to sign up. The group photo from that conference you attended a couple years back where you cropped out your coworkers has served you pretty well. You're rocking a power suit in it - what more could a future employer ask for?? In the event that the more you think about your current headshot photo, the more doubts you have, I encourage you to read through the list of 15 reasons why you should get a new headshot.

1. You're ready to show your best self to the world.

2. Perhaps you got some fabulous new glasses.

3. Or, finally grew out that beard.

4. You got a new hairdo.

5. You've been working out hard this summer and want to show off the fit new you.

6. It's the end of summer, which means you've been soaking up the rays all summer and are glowing.

7. You've changed jobs.

8. You're job searching.

9. You want to look like a million bucks and have a salary to match.

10. You might be asked for a headshot tomorrow and you don't have one.

11. You started writing a blog and you wouldn't be a real blogger without a headshot.

12. Perhaps 10 years or so have passed between now and when the headshot you're currently using was taken.

13. Your current headshot is a selfie.

14. You want to look and feel like a model... and you will, once the Best Face Forward hair and makeup artists are done with you.

15. You want one of those 5 limited spots.
If you answered yes to any of the above 15, book your session with Lisa Damico Portraits by calling 540-798-9547 or emailing